The Map of Our DNA is completed

The Human Genome Project

The Human Genome Project started in 1988 and was completed in 2003.  The project set out to map all the genes (human genome) that make up the human body. The purpose of the project was to be able to map genetic variations to body dysfunction and chronic diseases. Previous technology made it impossible to map about 8% of the human genome.  It was recently announced biologists at Johns Hopkins University were able to map the remaining 8 %.


Michael Schatz, who participated in the recent research, compared it to missing a country to the globe or a few pieces to a puzzle.  We can determine much about the body with the genetic data we have but this additional information helps to answer some questions.  This research was recently published in the journal Science. The Human Genome Project was supported by the National Institutes of Health.


The importance of looking at your genetic data is discussed in another section.  Simply, looking at your genetic data provides insight into what nutritional support would benefit your body the most to stay balanced.  There are many processes in your body (detoxification, making DNA, making and delivering cholesterol, digestion, etc) and all these processes are given instruction by over 20,000 genes that are your specific genetic code.  Everything you do (lifestyle, nutrition, environment) affects how all your genes function.


While this is important to have this new data, the true benefit will not be available for a few years.  Genetic data is studied over years to explain how humans adapt to and survive infections, toxins, and drugs.  We are all different and looking at the genetic data over years and including the new genome data in research, helps to determine how some genetic variants are affected and what we can do to support our genetic code in an optimal manner.


All DNA, which is your instruction booklet, consists of four pairs of amino acids, known as A, C, T, and G.  It is the arrangement of these amino acids that makes each person unique.  Most of the time, it does not affect the gene too much if the amino acids are not in the right place, but then there are times, it can impact how the genes, or instruction book delivers messages to your body.  (This is different than a mutation, which would be a completely defective gene such as Downs.)


There are huge medical benefits in knowing your specific genome.  Your genetic code does not mean you are destined to have an inherited condition but provides data to minimize any genes having an effect on your health trajectory.

 USA (March 31, 2022). Weintraub, Karen.The map of our DNA is finally complete. Here’s what that means for humanity. ARTICLE REFERENCE HERE




Genetics: Know your Instruction Booklet